Sanguine Temperament Strengths and Weaknesses


Personality & mind of the Sanguine temperament

Sanguine Temperament Strengths and Weaknesses – Faculty of Judgment well-developed. A synthetic intellect that likes to see the whole picture. An optimistic, positive mental outlook. Rather conventional and conformist; good social skills. Exuberant, enthusiastic, outgoing. Optimistic, confident, poised, graceful. Expansive, generous. Romantically inclined; loves beauty, aesthetics, and the arts. Sensual, indulgent nature. Sociable, gregarious, lighthearted, cheerful.sanguine temperament

The sanguine person is quickly aroused and vehemently excited by whatever influences him. The reaction follows immediately and the impression lasts but a short time. Consequently, the remembrance of the impression doesn`t easily cause new excitement. Today in our society, we see the sanguine as entertainers, singers, dancers, or perhaps simply as energetic people at parties. In fantasy, they might be Bards.


Some qualities that distinguish Sanguine from others are:

The sanguine person does not penetrate the depth, the essence of things, he does not embrace the whole but he is satisfied with the surface shallow understanding and with a part of the whole. He likes light work that attracts attention, where there is no need for deep thought or great effort. To be sure, it is hard to convince a sanguine person that he is superficial; on the contrary, he imagines that he has understood the subject wholly and perfectly.

Generally, because the impressions made upon him do not last, they are easily followed by others. The consequence is great instability which must be taken into account by anyone who deals with such persons if he does not wish to be disappointed.

The tendency to the external – A sanguine will not like to enter into his inner self but directs his attention to the external environment. This makes him very opposite of the melancholic person who is given to introspection, who prefers to be absorbed by deep thoughts and more or less ignores the external.

This leaning into the external is shown in the keen interest that the sanguine pays to his own appearance, as well as to that of others; to a beautiful face, to find and modern clothes, and to good manners. For a sanguine, the 5 (five) senses are especially active, while the choleric uses rather his reason and will and the melancholic his feelings.


Sanguine Temperament Test

A sanguine sees everything, hears everything and talks about everything. He is noted for his facility and liveliness of speech, his inexhaustible variety of topics and his flow of words which often make him disagreeable to others.

Optimism – The sanguine looks at everything from the bright side. He`s optimistic, overlooks difficulties and is always sure of success. If he fails, he doesn`t worry about it for too long but consoles himself easily. His cheerfulness explains his inclination to make fun of others, tease them and play tricks on them. He takes for granted the fact that others are willing to accept such things in good humor and he is very much surprised if they appear to be unhappy or angry on him.

Absence of deep passions; the passions of the sanguine are quickly excited, but they do not make a deep and lasting impression.


Practicality; Sanguine possesses common sense, he is usually very rational and practical.

Strengths of Sanguine temperament

sanguine personality


A sanguine is an extrovert, they readily make acquaintance with other people, are very communicative, and talkative, and associate easily with strangers.


He is friendly in speech and behavior and can pleasantly entertain his fellow men with his interesting views and stories, very pleasant and willing to help, and He will always assist not so coldly and distantly as a choleric, and not so warmly and touchingly as the melancholic, but at least in such a pleasant way that they are kindly received.


He is compassionate and is always ready to his friends with a friendly remark in times of crisis
Has an outstanding ability to bring his friend’s and co-workers’ attention to their faults without causing them in a relatively good way, and He does not find it hard to correct others, Can also easily inform someone of bad news.


A sanguine is quickly energized by an offense and may show his anger violently, but he cools down quickly and does not keep bad feelings for long. He is quick to “forgive and forget” – and expect others to do the same – because he lives in the moment rather than dwelling in the past. The sanguine person has many qualities which can be properly valued by management.


Sanguine Temperament Strength Test

He is flexible, compliant, and obedient with no visible efforts or tensions.
He is honest and will share openly his difficulties and challenges.
When pointing out his errors, he hardly ever is offensive and accepts the requirements and corrective action requests properly.

Sanguine can be great motivators, and they may enthusiastically encourage others towards their actions, they also see things positively, and optimistically, and would convince others to see things that way too.
The sanguine does not long over unpleasant happenings. Sometimes things that cause a melancholic person a great deal of anxiety and trouble do not affect the sanguine in the least, because he is an optimist and as such overlooks difficulties and prefers to look at affairs from the sunny side.

Even if the sanguine is occasionally exasperated and sad, he soon finds his balance again. His sadness doesn`t last long but gives way quickly to happiness. A sanguine person can get along well even with persons generally difficult to work with.

The sanguine is not too picky and extremely easy-going, and will usually like more things in his life than he dislikes. He tends to however enjoy things that are trendy, popular and can be accessed easily.

Weaknesses of Sanguine Temperament

Self-importance and pomposity – A sanguine temperament person`s pride does not manifest itself as excessive ambition or inflexibility, as it does in the choleric, nor as fear of humiliation, as in the melancholic, but as a strong inclination to overvalue his importance.

The sanguine person finds joy and satisfaction in his personal appearance, in his clothes and at work.

He loves to behold himself in the mirror. He feels very happy when being praised and is therefore very susceptible to flattery.

The inclination to flirtation and jealousy – A sanguine person is inclined to easy tendency for intimacy and flirtation. His love is not deep and changes easily. Egotism and the tendency to love affairs lead a sanguine person to jealousy.

They are easily influenced by exterior impressions or feelings of sympathy or antipathy, it is hard for the sanguine person to be unbiased and just. The sanguine is greatly inclined to flatter those whom he loves.

Sanguine Temperament Weakness Test

Cheerfulness and love of pleasure

A sanguine person does not like to be alone; he loves company and amusement; he wants to enjoy life, occasionally at any price.

Weak abilities to perform hard efforts

Everything which requires the denial or limitation of the pleasure gaining is very hard on the sanguine. He cannot restrict himself in his favorite activities, foods, entertainment, or in relation to people.


The decisions of the sanguine person are wrong in many cases, because of a lack of deep knowledge and understanding, inability to foresee difficulties and potential dangers, and due to the shallow ability for a relationship with people.


The accomplishments of the sanguine may easily fail because he always takes success for granted, and therefore does not give sufficient attention to possible obstacles, and does not make necessary backup and alternative plans.


The sanguine person usually has poor insight because he will always cater to the external and is reluctant to enter into his/herself and to give deeper thought to his own actions.


The sanguine person may move away from genuine friends that he considers boring or dull. Thus, in many cases, he cannot sustain a deep and rich emotional friendship or a romantic relationship.

Categories: Lifestyle


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