2023/2024 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships Programme by the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund)


Scholarships Programme 2023/2024 Free Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships Programme by the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund)- In the pursuit of academic excellence, the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) continues to champion education by offering a golden opportunity for aspiring undergraduates and postgraduates. The 2023/2024 Free Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships Programme is a beacon of hope for those who aspire to advance their education without the burden of financial constraints.

Scholarships Programme

Understanding GETFund’s Scholarships Programme Commitment:

GETFund, a pivotal institution in Ghana’s education sector, has consistently demonstrated its commitment to fostering education accessibility. The annual scholarship programme stands as a testament to GETFund’s dedication to empowering the nation through knowledge and skills development.

Key Features of the Scholarships Programme:

  1. Inclusivity: The programme caters to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, ensuring a broad spectrum of individuals can benefit from this initiative.
  2. Financial Relief: Recognizing the financial challenges many students face, GETFund provides a reprieve by covering tuition fees and related academic expenses. This not only encourages enrollment but also mitigates the financial burden on students and their families.
  3. Merit-Based Selection: The scholarship programme maintains a high standard of academic excellence by employing a merit-based selection process. This ensures that the recipients are individuals who exhibit not only financial need but also a strong commitment to academic success.
  4. Local Focus: GETFund’s emphasis on local scholarships underscores the importance of nurturing local talent. By investing in the education of Ghanaian students, the programme contributes to the development of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce that can drive the nation’s progress.

Application Process for the GETFund Scholarships Programme

Prospective applicants can access the scholarship application forms on the official GETFund website. The process typically involves providing essential academic and personal information, along with supporting documents to substantiate eligibility.
To access the GETFund website to be able to apply for the scholarship click here

The Impact of the GETFund Scholarships programme:

The ripple effect of GETFund’s scholarship programme extends beyond individual recipients. As scholarship awardees graduate and contribute to their respective fields, they become catalysts for positive change within their communities and the nation at large.

Inspiring Success Stories from the GETFund Scholarships Programme

Beyond its financial support, the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) Scholarships Programme has been a catalyst for empowering individuals to overcome obstacles and reach new heights in their academic and professional journeys. Let’s delve into some inspiring success stories that showcase the transformative impact of this remarkable initiative.

  1. Emmanuel’s Journey from Adversity to Achievement: Emmanuel, a recipient of the GETFund Scholarship, hails from a modest background where financial constraints threatened to derail his educational aspirations. With the support of the scholarship, he pursued a degree in engineering, excelling academically. Today, Emmanuel is an accomplished engineer contributing to infrastructural development in Ghana, a testament to the power of education and targeted support.
  2. Grace: A Beacon of Female Empowerment: Grace, a passionate advocate for women in STEM, was determined to break gender barriers in the field of computer science. The GETFund Scholarship not only eased the financial burden on her family but also provided the platform for her to pursue her dreams. Grace has since become a role model, inspiring young women to pursue careers in technology.
  3. Samuel’s Medical Odyssey: Samuel’s journey with the GETFund Scholarship began when he aspired to become a doctor. Facing financial hurdles, his dream seemed distant. However, the scholarship opened doors for Samuel to enroll in medical school. Today, Dr. Samuel is making significant contributions to healthcare, particularly in underserved communities, embodying the positive ripple effect of the GETFund initiative.
  4. Entrepreneurial Triumph with Elizabeth: Elizabeth, an ambitious entrepreneur, dreamt of establishing her own business but lacked the resources. The GETFund Scholarship not only funded her business education but also provided mentorship opportunities. Today, Elizabeth runs a successful business, creating employment opportunities and contributing to Ghana’s economic growth.

In summary, These success stories underscore the profound impact of the GETFund Scholarships Programme, not just in facilitating education but in transforming lives and communities. As we celebrate these individuals, we also recognize the broader impact on the nation’s development, as each success story contributes to a brighter and more prosperous future for Ghana


The 2023/2024 Free Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships Programme by GETFund is a beacon of hope for aspiring students in Ghana. By providing financial support and promoting academic excellence, GETFund continues to shape the future of the nation through education.

This comprehensive overview aims to inspire prospective applicants and shed light on the transformative power of education when coupled with dedicated support. As we look forward to the positive impact of the scholarship programme, it is a reminder that education remains a powerful tool for societal progress.

Read more about the 2024/2025 Premium Scholarship Programme for Master’s Degrees Fully Funded by Hanken School of Economics

Categories: Scholarships


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