2024/2025 Premium Scholarship Programme for Master’s Degrees Fully Funded by Hanken School of Economics


Scholarship Programme – Embarking on a master’s degree journey is a significant step towards academic and professional advancement, and the Hanken School of Economics is paving the way for exceptional students with its Premium Scholarship Programme for the academic years 2024/2025. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the details of this prestigious scholarship initiative, exploring its fully funded offerings, eligibility criteria, and the transformative opportunities it presents for aspiring master’s students.

Scholarship Programme

Overview of the Premium Scholarship Programme:

Fully Funded Excellence:
The 2024/2025 Premium Scholarship Programme by Hanken School of Economics is designed to support outstanding master’s degree candidates by providing comprehensive financial coverage. From tuition fees to living expenses, the scholarship is a fully funded opportunity that aims to remove financial barriers and empower students to focus on their academic pursuits.

Academic Brilliance Recognized:
The scholarship programme is a celebration of academic brilliance, targeting students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievements and exhibit the potential for impactful contributions to their respective fields. Hanken School of Economics recognizes and rewards excellence, fostering a community of high-achieving scholars.

Key Features of the Scholarship Programme:

Disciplinary Inclusivity:
The Premium Scholarship Programme at Hanken School of Economics embraces disciplinary inclusivity, catering to a wide array of master’s degree programs. From business and economics to innovative interdisciplinary studies, the scholarship ensures that students pursuing excellence in diverse fields have the support they need.

Mentorship and Networking Opportunities:
Beyond financial assistance, the programme offers mentorship and networking opportunities. Scholars have access to seasoned professionals, faculty members, and a network of like-minded peers. This mentorship ecosystem is designed to nurture holistic development and guide students towards successful academic and professional trajectories.

Eligibility Criteria for the Scholarship Programme:

Academic Merit:
Applicants are evaluated based on their academic merit, with a focus on exceptional achievements and a proven track record of scholarly excellence. The scholarship aims to attract students who not only excel academically but also showcase a deep passion for their chosen fields.

Innovative Vision:
The eligibility criteria include a consideration of applicants’ innovative vision and potential contributions to their respective fields. Hanken School of Economics seeks students who bring fresh perspectives, creativity, and a commitment to driving positive change through their academic pursuits.

Application Process for the Scholarship Programme:

Submission of Academic Records:
Applicants are required to submit comprehensive academic records, including transcripts, recommendation letters, and a personal statement outlining their academic journey, achievements, and aspirations.

Statement of Purpose:
The application process includes a detailed statement of purpose where candidates articulate their academic and professional goals, highlighting how the master’s degree aligns with their ambitions and how the Premium Scholarship will facilitate their journey.

Transformative Opportunities for Scholars:

Global Learning Environment:
Hanken School of Economics, known for its commitment to internationalization, offers scholars a global learning environment. The diverse student body and faculty contribute to a rich academic experience that transcends cultural boundaries.

Research and Innovation Platforms:
Scholars under the Premium Scholarship Programme gain access to cutting-edge research and innovation platforms. The school’s emphasis on research-driven education provides an opportunity for students to engage in impactful projects and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their fields.

Community Engagement and Social Impact:

Community Projects and Initiatives:
The scholarship programme encourages community engagement and social impact. Scholars have the opportunity to participate in community projects and initiatives, applying their academic knowledge to address real-world challenges and make a positive difference.

Leadership Development:
Hanken School of Economics aims not only to educate scholars but also to nurture future leaders. The Premium Scholarship Programme includes leadership development components that empower students with the skills and qualities necessary for leadership roles in academia, business, and society.


Excellence Unveiled, Opportunities Unleashed

The 2024/2025 Premium Scholarship Programme by Hanken School of Economics stands as a beacon of opportunity for master’s degree aspirants who embody academic excellence, innovative thinking, and a commitment to positive change. Fully funded and brimming with transformative opportunities, this scholarship is not just a financial aid initiative but a catalyst for shaping the future leaders and visionaries of diverse disciplines.

As you embark on your master’s degree journey, consider the possibilities that the Premium Scholarship Programme presents. It’s not just about obtaining a degree; it’s about unlocking excellence, unleashing potential, and contributing to a world enriched by knowledge and positive impact

For more information about the requirements click here

Learn more about 2024/25 Coe College Global Leadership Full Tuition Scholarships For International Students

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