SQL Data Types for MS SQL Server, MySQL and MS Access


Structured Query Language (SQL) is a powerful and versatile tool for managing and manipulating data in relational database management systems (RDBMS). One fundamental aspect of working with databases is understanding and utilizing the appropriate data types to store and retrieve information accurately and efficiently.

SQL Data Types for MS SQL Server, MySQL and MS Access

In this article, we will explore SQL data types, focusing on their usage in three popular database systems: MySQL, SQL Server, and Microsoft Access. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of data types in SQL and how they differ across these platforms.

Introduction to SQL Data Types

Data types in SQL define the kind of data that can be stored in a column or a variable within a database table. They play a crucial role in ensuring data integrity, optimizing storage, and facilitating efficient query execution. The choice of data type depends on the nature of the data being stored, its size, and the operations that will be performed on it.

Here are some common categories of SQL data types:

  1. Numeric Data Types: These data types are used to store numeric values, including integers and decimals.
  2. Character String Data Types: Character data types store alphanumeric values, such as names, addresses, and textual information.
  3. Date and Time Data Types: These data types are used for storing date and time-related information.
  4. Binary Data Types: Binary data types are used to store binary data, such as images or documents.
  5. Boolean Data Types: Some database systems support a Boolean data type for storing true/false values.
  6. Specialized Data Types: Some databases offer specialized data types for specific purposes, such as spatial data types for handling geographic information.

Now, let’s delve into the specific SQL data types supported by MySQL, SQL Server, and Microsoft Access.

MySQL Data Types

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system known for its performance and scalability. It provides a wide range of data types to cater to different data storage requirements.

Numeric Data Types in MySQL

  1. INT: The INT data type is used to store whole numbers and is available in various sizes, including INT, TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, and BIGINT, depending on the required range.
  2. DECIMAL/NUMERIC: These data types are used for storing fixed-point numbers with user-defined precision and scale.
  3. FLOAT/DOUBLE: FLOAT and DOUBLE data types are used for storing approximate numeric values with floating-point precision.

Character String Data Types in MySQL

  1. CHAR: CHAR is used to store fixed-length character strings.
  2. VARCHAR: VARCHAR is used for variable-length character strings. It is more space-efficient than CHAR but can store strings of varying lengths.
  3. TEXT: The TEXT data type is suitable for storing large amounts of text data.

Date and Time Data Types in MySQL

  1. DATE: DATE data type stores date values in the ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format.
  2. TIME: TIME data type stores time values in the ‘HH:MM:SS’ format.
  3. DATETIME/TIMESTAMP: These data types store both date and time values. DATETIME stores dates in ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format, while TIMESTAMP stores them with additional fractional seconds.

Binary Data Types in MySQL

  1. BINARY: BINARY is used for fixed-length binary data.
  2. VARBINARY: VARBINARY is used for variable-length binary data.
  3. BLOB: BLOB data type is suitable for storing large binary objects like images or documents.

Boolean Data Types in MySQL

MySQL does not have a dedicated BOOLEAN data type. Instead, you can use TINYINT(1) to represent boolean values, where ‘1’ represents true, and ‘0’ represents false.

Specialized Data Types in MySQL

MySQL provides specialized data types such as ENUM and SET for handling enumerated and set values, respectively. Additionally, it supports spatial data types for geographic information.

SQL Server Data Types

Microsoft SQL Server is a robust RDBMS widely used in enterprise environments. SQL Server offers a comprehensive set of data types to accommodate diverse data storage needs.

Numeric Data Types in SQL Server

  1. INT: Similar to MySQL, INT stores whole numbers, and various sizes are available, including TINYINT, SMALLINT, BIGINT, etc.
  2. DECIMAL/NUMERIC: These data types store fixed-point numbers with user-defined precision and scale, just like in MySQL.
  3. FLOAT/REAL: SQL Server offers FLOAT and REAL data types for approximate numeric values.

Character String Data Types in SQL Server

  1. CHAR: CHAR is used for fixed-length character strings.
  2. VARCHAR: VARCHAR is used for variable-length character strings.
  3. TEXT: SQL Server provides TEXT data type for storing large text data.

Date and Time Data Types in SQL Server

  1. DATE: DATE data type stores date values in the ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format.
  2. TIME: TIME data type stores time values in the ‘HH:MM:SS’ format.
  3. DATETIME2/DATETIMEOFFSET: These data types store both date and time values with higher precision. DATETIMEOFFSET also includes time zone information.

Binary Data Types in SQL Server

  1. BINARY: BINARY is used for fixed-length binary data.
  2. VARBINARY: VARBINARY is used for variable-length binary data.
  3. BLOB: SQL Server uses the IMAGE data type for storing large binary objects.

Boolean Data Types in SQL Server

SQL Server includes a dedicated BOOLEAN data type known as BIT. It can store values ‘0’ (false) or ‘1’ (true).

Specialized Data Types in SQL Server

SQL Server provides specialized data types like XML, JSON, HIERARCHYID for handling specific data formats and hierarchies. It also supports spatial data types for geographic information, similar to MySQL.

Microsoft Access Data Types

Microsoft Access is a desktop database management system that is part of the Microsoft Office suite. While not as feature-rich as MySQL or SQL Server, Access offers a range of data types suitable for smaller-scale database applications.

Numeric Data Types in Microsoft Access

  1. INTEGER: INTEGER is used for whole numbers.
  2. LONG: LONG INTEGER is used for larger whole numbers.
  3. SINGLE/DOUBLE: These data types are used for floating-point numbers.

Character String Data Types in Microsoft Access

  1. TEXT: TEXT is used for variable-length character strings.
  2. MEMO: MEMO data type is suitable for storing large text data.

Date and Time Data Types in Microsoft Access

  1. DATE/TIME: DATE/TIME data type stores both date and time values.

Binary Data Types in Microsoft Access

  1. BINARY: BINARY data type is used for binary data.
  2. OLE OBJECT: OLE OBJECT data type is suitable for storing binary objects like images or documents.

Boolean Data Types in Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access uses the YES/NO data type to represent boolean values, where ‘Yes’ corresponds to true, and ‘No’ corresponds to false.

Specialized Data Types in Microsoft Access

While Access does not provide as many specialized data types as MySQL or SQL Server, it does offer AUTOINCREMENT for automatically generating unique identifier values and CURRENCY for handling currency values.


In this article, we have explored SQL data types and their usage in three popular database systems: MySQL, SQL Server, and Microsoft Access. Understanding the data types supported by these systems is essential for designing efficient and effective database schemas.

Each database system offers a unique set of data types to cater to various data storage requirements. While the fundamental categories of data types such as numeric, character string, date and time, binary, and boolean are consistent across these platforms, the specific implementations and additional specialized data types can vary significantly.

When choosing the appropriate data type for a column in your database, consider factors such as the size of the data, the expected range of values, and the operations that will be performed on the data. Using the right data type not only ensures data integrity but also contributes to better performance and efficient storage utilization.

Moreover, keep in mind that while these database systems provide similar data types, there may be slight variations in their behavior, such as the precision of date and time data or the way boolean values are represented. Therefore, it’s crucial to consult the documentation of the specific database system you are working with to ensure you are using the data types correctly.

In summary, SQL data types are a fundamental building block of database design and play a vital role in data management and retrieval. Whether you are working with MySQL, SQL Server, or Microsoft Access, a solid understanding of data types is essential for creating well-structured and efficient databases that meet your application’s needs.

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