Experts argue that the US immigration policy should prioritize the economy


US immigration

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, the United States leads the world in foreign-born residents, with immigrants constituting approximately 13.7% of the population, as estimated by the Census Bureau.

However, despite these significant numbers, research from the Cato Institute reveals that less than 1% of those seeking permanent residency in the United States can do so legally under current US immigration policy.

Challenges and Disparities in US Immigration Allocation

US immigration

Theresa Cardinal Brown, a senior advisor on immigration and border policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center, highlights the disparity in US immigration allocation, with a disproportionate percentage of green cards going to family-sponsored immigrants rather than employment-based sponsorships.

Data from the Department of Homeland Security shows that 62.6% of green cards are allocated to family-sponsored immigrants, compared to just 21.1% for employment-based sponsorships. The Cato Institute’s analysis further reveals that only 1 in every 1,500 new hires in the US secures a green card through employment sponsorship programs.

The Imperative for Reform: Aligning US Immigration with Economic Needs

U.S. immigration

Simon Hankinson, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, underscores the urgency for reforming the U.S legal immigration system to better serve the economic interests of the nation. He advocates for adjustments that would facilitate the majority of legal immigrants entering the country to do so based on the demands of the economy.

Additionally, Theresa Cardinal Brown emphasizes the need to update U.S immigration policies to reflect the current economic landscape, suggesting that the limitations on annual immigrants were last updated in 1990 when the population was smaller, and the nature of employment differed significantly.

In conclusion, the discrepancies between the current US immigration policy and economic needs highlight the urgent need for comprehensive reform. Addressing these issues could not only benefit the economy but also ensure a fair and efficient immigration process for individuals seeking to contribute to the nation’s prosperity.

Categories: Finance News


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