Your Awakening is Necessary

Updated in 7th of September 2024


A walk into a deeper realm of possibilities, the realm above this physical bunch of mere activities, a realm that exposes one to truths and realities, that could be found offensive and displeasing, many have gotten so deep and blinded by the religion and doctrines of history. No longer do we see men, hungry men that till the soil, in every condition of the weather, to search for truth, they now sit comfortably with folded arms and get entangled with the false traditions, rules and doctrines, they feel originated from the original Creator.

Sadly, these lies they ingest and digest, don`t just end up with them but are learned and practiced by the generation ahead of them, and so, there is a need to sound this bell of warning, a need for accurate thinking, deliberate tilling and convicting findings, that will conceive better facts and possibilities. 

Your Awakening is Necessary

It is high time you stopped sleeping over solutions, proffered by your intuition as regards to solving human basic needs. Click here

This is a reawakening of the life and purpose, designed by the creator, from the day of your creation. A call to let go of false beliefs and knowledge that ruins the proposed intention of your Maker. If you do not get rid of the lies, unlearn and relearn, you might end up dying uncomfortably, yes. Where there would be regrets and apologies for a purposeless life spent.

It is time to end those handicapped thoughts and fears of what the deeper realm could offer, time to step out, till the soil and gather enough knowledge about your pursuit and purpose, do not be chained and strangled by the findings and doctrines of others. Don`t just sit and watch. You too can impact lives, change history and live in purpose. 

You will not be able to harvest enough fruits if you escape the days of labor. The process of growth is painful but its` harvest is plentiful.