You Are What You Read
There is a saying that "if you want to hide something from a black man, hide it between the pages of a book", what this implies is that we black people do not read or maybe we do not create the time to read. Could this be true of you? I know it is not true of you.
The fact that you are reading this article right now is an indication that it is not true of you. One thing you should understand is that reading is an invention. Our ability to learn anything now is based on several "designed principles" that showcase the uniqueness of our species-brain.

This article shall be addressing the following issues.
I. Who are you?
II. What do you read?
III. Why do you read what you read?
#1 - Who are you?
This question can be answered very well by one person and that`s you! You know yourself better than anyone else, you know yourself better than your parents or guidance. You may also agree with me if I tell you that what you are today is a combination of experiences, in shape formation, books you have read and things you have imagined. Your life is like an encyclopedia, it is a library, an inventory of objects, a series of styles and everything can be constantly shuffled and recorded in every way conceivable.
#2 - What do you read?
What you need to know is that every single piece of writing has a message. Passive reading is a lot like watching television. When you read a novel, you`re being exposed to what the writer believes. Even though his message itself is "coward up", you`re still impacted by it. Even when you are just reading it for pleasure, the dumping`s is still there. And is it good to be affected by something without even being conscious of it? This is why we need to watch the kind of things we read.
#3 - Why do you need to read what you read?
To have the ability to read is to have the ability to choose what we read. We read to learn something. For instance, we read textbooks to learn the fact inside them and sometimes because we want to pass some examinations or tests. Even when we read novels, though we are not always aware of it, we`re learning something.
The authors` would view the message he desires to communicate in the writing, you should understand that while reading, you may have learned your own consciousness for another person`s, another age, another culture, and so on, and in less than no time you tend to behave in like manner.
It is important that you know what you read because it portrays what you are and what you can do at any moment in time. There is a saying "the you in you, makes you the you, you are".
So I want you to be conscious of what book you read.