Words of Thought Humble

Updated in 7th of September 2024


Words of Thought, Be humble and never think that you are better than anyone else, for dust you are and unto dust you shall return. Its only a wise one who can see this life as a place of adventure. 

Traveler, while resting under a tree, very soon he continue with his journey. 

The poor you judge by appearance today, A rich man can be under his coat tomorrow. 

So be humble. 


We could been have been united by the country, if there`s no religion. 

We are all humans united until race disconnected us. 

  • Religion separated us. 
  • Political divided us. 
  • Wealth classified us. 

Before we could find peace in the world let us first found peace in religion. 

This article is about intolerance by religious communities or by communities of specific practices.

For intolerance of religion itself. 

Antitheism sometimes spelled anti-theism, is the position to theism.

The term has had a range of applications it typically refers to a direct position to the believe in any deity. 

We take it for granted 

That religious are born, 

Grow and die-but we are also 

oddly blind to that reality.


You can only succeed when you forget about the past, live the present today, and thinks about tomorrow. 

No poison can kill a positive thinker, and no medicine can save a negative thinker. But one-day you will wake up and there won`t be anymore time to do the things you always want to do. 

Do it now. 


We all know the truth, but we can`t said it out all because we don`t want to die. 

The truth is better to be said than lies, since we have been born to die. 

knowing your own mistakes is the best method before dealing with the mistakes of other people. 


life is very simple but we insist on making it complicated. Nothing hurt us like the things we don`t say.