Why Sex Education and Why its Relevance: Today in our world, the ranging issues of sex education and its importance to the life of young teenagers, is one which we must not overlook, why because it is very important that teenagers understand the basic importance of sex, how it shapes their life and how to understand its importance. A lot of teenagers are involved in sexual activities at a very young age without knowing the dangers involved. This is why this write-up has been written in other to inform them.
Here are some questions to discuss on sex education:
1 - what is sex education?
This is the teaching and guiding of individuals to matters pertaining to one sexuality, and sex life. it can also be said to as information that helps one to make reasonable decisions about sex.
with these definitions, we can deduce that proper sexual knowledge helps teenagers to make good decision about their sexual life, and guide them to make the best decisions in life. Sex Education is Relevance

2 - Who Should Teach Sex Education ( Parents, Schools, Government, Religious Institutions)?
Basically, we will be looking at a certain institution that should be responsible for the teaching of sex education as it affects the lives of teenagers. We will look at the roles of the family, the school, the government, and the religious institution, and their importance in educating young teenagers on sex education
The Family:
We are all aware that a family is a group of persons made up of a father, mother, and children. learning is said to begin at home, the family teaches a child the basic rules of life, they teach a child their cultural way of life, the religious aspect of their life so basically sex education should begin at home.
It is the responsibility of the parent to have a good communication-friendly environment with their teenage children. It is believed that when teenagers dialogue with their parents on the sexual talk they are more relaxed and gain first-hand information for their parents on sexual matters, this property makes them aware and in turn make a good decisions on sex.
The School;
The school we all know is a place where formal education takes place. we are all aware that learning is a continuous process and as such sex education should be introduced to the curriculum in other for teenagers to be aware of sexuality.
As children begin to grow up they spend most of their days at school, they spend close to six-seven hours in school, these are times when they are not with their parents, and as such the school guides them through their emotional, and psychological behavior.
As kids begin to enter puberty stage, the school should teach them sex education. It is the function of the school to teach the students abstinence, teach the female students how to calculate their safe period, teach young boys how to be proper gentlemen, and most important that knowledge of sex education is not a guarantee to venture into sexual activities at a young age.

The Government;
The role of the government quite differs from the previous two discussed. the government does not have direct links to a teenager as much as the family and the school have. government can help teach sex education by empowering the public school with proper equipment to use to counsel and teach this teenage child. They can support some nongovernmental organizations with welfare materials so that they can reach rural areas where teenagers are not exposed to formal education and locality where they are at a slow pace in development.
Government should make strict laws that help to punish adults who molest or abuse teenagers.
The Religious Institution:
Most religious institutions see sex education as something that I sacred and must be held in high esteem. using the catholic church as a case study their standstill remains that abstinence is the best. That sex was ordained by God for marriage. They keep on preaching against sexual activities before marriage. In their own words, abstinence is the best policy anyone can do for himself.
From the above breakdown of the topic discussed, it can be deduced that it is a holistic effort of all institutions mentioned above to properly teach teenage kids sex education. a statistic carried out showed that one of every two kids is involved in sexual activity ( they are having sex already). this calls for proper sex education for teenagers, this helps them to make proper sexual decisions, guide them into entering the right relationship, know their rights when it comes to sex, help reduced sexual transmitted diseases among teenagers and reduce unwanted teenage pregnancy. Sex Education is Relevance