Updated in 8th of September 2024


Could it be that for much of our lives, we are exposed to some amounts of cancer-causing chemicals but cancer does not occur unless our nutrition provides the suitable condition for tumor development? Could it be that through nutrition cancer can be controlled?

For all of these experiments, casein was used. Casein makes up 87% of cow`s milk protein. It is only logical to ask whether plant protein, tested in the same way, has the same effect on cancer promotion as casein. The answer is NO. In these experiments, casein consistently and strongly promoted all stages of the cancer process but plant protein did not promote cancer growth even at higher levels of intake. Safe proteins can be gotten from plants.


Thus far we had relied on experiments where we measured only the early indicators of tumor development, the early cancer-like foci. Now, it was time to do the big study, the one where we would measure complete tumor formation. We organized a very large study of several hundred rats and examined tumor formation over their lifetimes using several different approaches.

The effects of protein feeding on tumor development were nothing less than spectacular. Rats generally live for about two years, thus the study was 100 weeks in length. All animals that were administered aflatoxin and fed the regular 20% levels of casein either were dead or near death from liver tumors at 100 weeks, All animals administered the same level of aflatoxin but fed the low 5% protein diet were alive, active and thrifty, with sleek hair coats at 100 weeks, This was a virtual 100 to 0 score, something almost never seen in research and almost identical to the original research in India.

In this same experiment, we switched the diets of some rats at either forty or sixty weeks, to again investigate the reversibility of cancer promotion, Animals switched from a high-protein to a low-protein diet had significantly less tumor (35% -40% less!) than animals fed a high protein diet, Animals switched from a low-protein diet to a high-protein diet halfway through their lifetime started growing tumors again. These findings on full-blown tumors confirmed our earlier findings using foci. Namely, nutritional manipulation can turn cancer on and off

Let there be no doubt: cow`s milk protein is an exceptionally potent cancer promoter in rats dosed with aflatoxin. The fact that this promotion effect occurs at dietary protein levels (10-20%) commonly used both in rodents and humans makes it especially tantalizing and provocative.


If you want someone to suggest to you that nutrition has something to do with disease, that has been done.

At the University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago, another research group was working with mammary (breast) cancer in rats. This research showed that increasing intakes of casein promoted the development of mammary (breast) cancer.2

Rats and humans have an almost identical need for protein. Also, protein operates in humans virtually the same way it does in rats. These hint that these findings are relevant to us.

We have many studies including those of Dr. Campbell that show us that when it comes to cancer promotion, nutrition is far more important than the dose of the carcinogen that initiated it.

Furthermore, a pattern was beginning to emerge: nutrients from animal-based foods increased tumor development while nutrients from plant-based foods decreased tumor development.


  1.  T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II, The China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health, 2006, BenBella Books, Inc., Dallas, pp. 60-62., p. 65.

  1. Ibid., p. 66.

Nothing in this post should be viewed as a substitute for competent medical care. Also, you should not undertake any changes in diet or exercise patterns without first consulting your physician.