The Price Of Education

Updated in 7th of September 2024


Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree, rather it widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life. Investing your money on your child`s education is not to be considered a waste, rather it should be considered as an investment. It is just like investing your money in buying from a company with good stability in both monetary and management terms. It is also just like planting a seed on a fertilized and rich soil. Just like the "Bible says" whatever a man sows he can reap in abundance.

Just like the shares you buy in a company accumulates as the day progresses, so does the money you spend in your child`s education keeps increasing and his knowledge keeps widening. A share bought for a hundred dollars can be sold for a thousand as the year progresses. This means that the money invested in education is not a waste but a great plan for the future.

Education is the best legacy you can give to a child which is why it is a necessity for every child to be educated. The price of education is paid just within the estimated time but the cost of ignorance you will pay in your entire lifetime.

What Is Education

Education is the art of imparting knowledge and skill. But I will use my best explanation which is that it is the gradual process of acquiring knowledge. For you to be able to acquire that knowledge you will need to exert patience as it is a step by step schedule. Education varies as a result of class to class grading but they all have one thing in common which is acquiring knowledge or perhaps said as knowledge acquisition.

Education is needed to fulfill all those dreams we had and are still having. No matter the area of occupation, education is needed. Let`s take for instance: Just as a pilot needs education to calculate the distance and bearing, a bus driver also needs education to calculate how much money has been given to him to avoid being cheated.

Education is needed to fulfill all those dreams we had and are still having. No matter the area of occupation, education is needed. Let`s take for instance: Just as a pilot needs education to calculate the distance and bearing, a bus driver also needs education to calculate how much money has been given to him to avoid being cheated.

Aim Of Education

The sole aim of every parent in educating their children is to make money, become famous. While the sole aim of every child is to acquire knowledge in order to fulfill their dreams and the dreams of their guardian sponsoring their education. As the old saying goes "Money is the root of all evil", yet that same money is what we aspire to acquire because we need it in order to survive.

This world we are living in today is so cruel to the extent that it doesn`t care if you are alive or dead. Which is why education is needed in order for us to be wise so that we can be able to face this cruel world with courage.

When it comes to education, you should be ready to bear all the sacrifices to be made both financially and mentally. The importance of education is the future gain to be attained, with education, excelling in life won`t be a problem as it is a step by step module that needs to be attained.

Most of the successful and renowned elitists in society today achieved all they have through a very technical, crucial, and powerful source, which is education. As they say, education is the power which is why it is a very vital aspect of our lives which needs to be strictly followed.

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