Self Love and Yourself

Updated in 7th of September 2024


We are living in a generation where we are being taught to put others first, where self-love is being considered narcissistic or inconsiderate,We are yet to realize that self-love is the bedrock of whom we are and who we stand to be, We are yet to realize that the moment we start to practice self-love we will begin to experience positive changes, good mental health and life becomes easier.

What then does this self-love implies?

In a simple term, this  means loving your body, soul and mind. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. In my own opinion, this means not settling for less than you deserve, prioritizing oneself, talking to and about yourself with love and most importantly setting healthy boundaries. Everyone needs love and most of us spend most of our energy spreading love to one another-that is family, friends, colleagues and so on but the question is- do we produce enough for our own selves?

Why self-love is important?

It makes oneself and his needs his/her priority:

Without this , we will be ignorant of our needs. We will find ourselves making other people and their needs our utmost priority. Self-love is all about recognizing your needs and making them a priority in your life.  

You find your own happiness:

It is not ideal to rely on external sources of happiness. You may find temporary happy moments but they won`t be long-lasting. 

Do not wait for others to make you happy, find happiness from within. You are in charge of your own happiness and practicing this is the key to finding it.

You give love without feeling drained:

It is practically impossible to give what you don`t have. You can`t give love or rather show love to others if you don`t have that love from within. So when you practice this you will be giving love without feeling drained.

Better mental health:

Study has shown that those who practice this are less likely to suffer from anxiety or depression. Self-love paves way for a relaxed mind and positive mindset which is highly important for good mental health.

Ways to practice self-love

The first step to practicing this is by loving oneself and being less judgmental about oneself knowing fully well that we are humans bound to make mistakes. And also realizing that it is inevitable to have bad days and when those days come, find at least one thing you are grateful for. By so doing, you will find yourself letting go of that bad energy.

Why don`t you look at yourself in the mirror every day and say positive things to yourself?

End toxic relationships! Anyone who makes you feel anything less than amazing isn`t permitted to be in your life. Surround yourself with people who love to see you grow.

Realize that beauty cannot be defined. It is what you see it as. Learn to love yourself the way you are.

I`ll end by saying `Don`t strive to be perfect rather strive to love oneself and pass on the love to others`