Letter to Mr. Death

Updated in 7th of September 2024


Mr. Death who are you truly, and what did you want from me? 

We all know that you are death and the permanent sensation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. 

Mr. Death, if I`ve been born to witness the sweetness of the world, am not expecting you to come and take my soul away. 

Mr death, what does it cost to love the world and left it alone without taking any property along, including wealth.

Mr. Death, invisible you are, came into a home and breakdown the family, you came into the nation and breakdown the countries, you turn happiness to sadness, turn light to darkness, with fear in our hearts. 

Mr. Death, I succeeded in this bloodless world with a sunken heart, my boots full of pride, with rainbow colors across the sky, with my youth cropper service uniform. 

Without any achievement, now you knocking on my door that my time is over on earth. 

Mr. Death, what can I do for you to sustain my life? I have a lot of gifts for you, money, gold and silver, including my cars and houses.

Letter to Mr. Death

If all this can`t be accepted from me, then I need to prepare myself always, because I know Mr. Death is inevitable. 

Mr. Death, I have always been prepared for the day and moment you will be paying me a visit.

Mr. Death, I know you`re a challenge, telling us not to waste time, telling us to inform each other of how much we love each others, telling us that what we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose that all, but all we love deeply became a part of us after death.

I do question myself, where will I be on that day? 

E.g. sleeping, church, mosque, work, sitting or standing. 


My heart always beat, with tears in my eyes, wondering how that day will look like when you attack me. 

Mr. Death, when you knock me down and my heart is under attack, victory is yours because it has been destiny to die.

Nobody want to die, but we all want to make heaven. Click here