Home Remedies for Chest pain, How do you know what to do when you start developing heart pains? Well, before you become scared, you should understand your health, what causes the pain, or the type of pain you feel in your chest.
Before you conclude on just home remedy, if you notice the following, please contact your doctor immediately:
If feels like your heart is squeezing, heavy, crushing, or tight.
Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath.
If you experience it always or you feel you`re having a heart attack.
Home Remedies:
Taking hot drinks like Hibiscus tea most times can help boost digestion and eliminate gas when the pains was caused due to gas or bloating.
What Kind of Healthy Drink reduce chest pain?
Depending on the kind of healthy drink you take, some can help lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol, which will really help prevent further complications.

This is a powerful natural food and it can really help to improve chest pain by reducing the buildup of plaque in the arteries.
How can one Consume Garlic to improve Heart functions?
Simply mix a clove or two of minced garlic with a glass of warm milk. Instead of drinking this, chew the pieces slowly to gain the maximum benefits.

Almonds are alkaline food and may help to soothe and neutralize acid in the esophagus.
How does Almonds helps the Heart?
When you consume large amount of almond by eating or drinking almond milk, this can help reduce heartburn strikes and eases symptoms. It is also high in fat.
Although there is no scientific claim for this, but many people has reported the positive effect it has to reduce chest pains.
Applying Cold Pack
Sometimes, chest pain can be caused by the chest muscle strain, fall or even by carrying heavy objects which can lead to Costochondritis.
How does applying cold pack helps?
Costochondritis is the inflammation of the chest wall. Therefore help the inflamed area, simply apply cold pack several times a day to the affected area. This may help reduce inflammation and ease the pain.
Sometimes too much acid in the stomach can cause heart pain and an alkaline solution can help reduce this acid.
To use baking soda as an alkaline solution, simply add some amount of baking soda to warm or cool water. This can help reduce heartburn, but taking much of it may cause adverse effects on the heart overall.

Ginger helps the body in reducing gas in the stomach, it is also a natural blood thinner, so avoid using it if you take prescription blood thinners. Click here
Spicy ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities. It can help to reduce triglycerides, lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and prevent blood clotting.
Some of these home remedies mostly work to improve your heart health over the long term, therefore you should back it up with treatment if pains increases. Lifestyle factors such as rich fruits, a healthy diet and vegetables, regular exercise, and not smoking are well-known remedies for improving heart health overall.