Intuition II

Updated in 7th of September 2024


You may not know exactly where and how you get some input and ideas but you know you get them and they are not the products of reasoning. You may hear people refer to intuition as gut feeling, sixth sense, instinct, inner voice, or spiritual guide. Some use intuition in decision making and this is far more than using common sense because there is an awareness from within. Often people who are familiar with intuitive experiences find it hard to describe. There is this direct knowing or an inner knowing without thinking it through. In other words, intuition is a way you get information without using known logical or rational processes. You may experience it as a gentle push you feel to take a certain path.

Intuition is not something new. Albert Einstein who is widely considered one of the greatest physicists of all time said, "There only real valuable thing is intuition." He also said, "There is no logical way to discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance."
John Naisbitt, a former executive with IBM and Eastman Kodak said, "Intuition becomes increasingly valuable in the new information society precisely because there is so much data."
Alexis Carrel, a French surgeon and biologist said, "All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis, what they need to know." Click Here

A friend of mine, Ifeoma, has consistently displayed that she is in touch with her Being. On several occasions, in the course of a conversation, I came to see that she knows intuitively what I came to know after much reading. Her intuition is guiding her when it comes to health as well as in other areas. What many people do not choose to do she has chosen to do and enjoys doing it. One of the results is that her family enjoys good health.

Intuition is your inner guide; it is that inner voice you may want to listen to. Somehow it knows what you want and it is asking for your trust. All your life you have been thinking, rationalizing, analyzing until it became paralyzing. Why not try a new way of life? A new way that is devoid of compulsive energy; a new way that has your growth, your expansion, your conscious evolution at heart.
You want wonderful things in your life but you do not see the wonderful things or enough of them. You may not be in alignment with your Being and as such you may not be listening to it. The Source communicates with your Being and your Being is your essence. Listening to your Being and taking the steps it asks you to take even though the destination is not clear puts you in a situation to attract the wonderful things you desire. But many people are not tapping into their intuition or they are not listening to it even though it speaks.