
Updated in 7th of September 2024


Ola: I intend opening a bank account.

Uche: You have two accounts already. Why do you want to open another one?

Ola: I want to dedicate that one to saving an amount of money. I heard a global recession is coming.

Uche: The global recession may start in the second half of next year. But let us leave the topic of global recession for now and have a discussion about the bank.

Ola: I actually have a question.

Uche: You may ask.

Ola: What are banks really for?

Uche: Making money.

Ola: For the customers?

Uche: No. For the banks.

Ola: But in almost all of the bank adverts I have watched, they make it seem as if they are doing something wonderful for us and not making money.

Uche: That is how it is.

Ola: The banks have assets right?

Uche: They mention N25 billion as assets.

Ola: Is that the money they have made?

Uche: Not really. It is the money they use to make money.

Ola: Hmm. Where do they keep it?

Uche: They don`t keep it anywhere. They lend it to customers.

Ola: If that is what they do with it then they have not got it.

Uche: No.

Ola: Then why is it called Assets?

Uche: They say it would be that if they get it back.


Ola: But they must have it somewhere.

Uche: Yes. N25 billion. They call it Liabilities.

Ola: How can they be liable for it when they have got it.

Uche: Because it is not theirs.

Ola: If it is not theirs, why do they have it?

Uche: Their customers lent it to them.

Ola: You mean customers lend money to banks?

Uche: That is what is done in effect when they put money into their accounts.

Ola: And what do banks do with it?

Uche: They lend it to other customers.

Ola: You mentioned earlier that the money they lend to other people was Assets.

Uche: Yes.

Ola: Are you saying in essence that Assets and Liabilities are the same thing?

Uche: Well, one doesn`t say that.

Ola: But that is what you are saying. If I put N10,000 into my account, the bank is liable to have to pay it back so it`s Liabilities. But they lend it to someone else hoping that the person will pay it back so it`s Assets. It is the same N10,000.

Uche: Well

Ola: It cancels out then. The banks really do not have any money.

Uche: Theoretically

Ola: Let us forget about theory for now. How do banks make their money?

Uche: They lend your N10,000 to someone and charge the person interest.

Ola: How much?

Uche: It depends on the bank rate which is about 15% now. That is their profit.

Ola: It is my money. It should be my profit. Why is it not?

Uche: The theory of banking

Ola: Forget about theory. When I lend them my N10,000, why don`t I charge them interest?

Uche: You do.

Ola: Really? How much?

Uche: It depends on the bank rate which is about 4% presently.

Ola: Life of me.

Uche: But that is if you do not withdraw the money out again.

Ola: But of course I am going to withdraw. I could have buried it in my backyard if I didn`t want to withdraw again.

Uche: The banks would not like that.

Ola: Why wouldn`t they? You say it is a Liability for them. Wouldn`t they be glad their Liabilities reduced by my withdrawing my money.

Uche: No. Once you withdraw it, they can`t lend it to someone else.

Ola: But if I want to withdraw they would let me have it.

Uche: Almost always.

Ola: What if they have already lent my money to somebody else?

Uche: They will let you have someone else`s money.

Ola: But suppose that someone else wants his money but I already have it?

Uche: Another person`s money will be given to that someone else.

Ola: What if everybody wants their money at once?

Uche: It is the theory of banking that everybody would not want their money at once.

Ola: Wait. Are you saying that banks are banking on not having to meet their commitments?

Uche: I wouldn`t put it like that.

Ola: I think our discussion is enough for today.

Uche: Now run off and go and open your account.

Ola: Actually, I won`t be opening an account again.

Uche: Why not?

Ola: I want to open a bank.


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