Financial Freedom and Network marketing Explained

Updated in 7th of September 2024


What is Financial Freedom? 

network marketing


Its a state of been able to earn financially( Money) without  you showing up. Being financially independent is basically our choice and following some laid down plans of achieving it. Its never by chance or Luck.  Learn about Longrich Network Marketing



Five ways of becoming financially free

  1. Real Estate
  2. Intellectual properties
  3. Paper investment
  4. Big business
  5. Network marketing.
Intellectual properties is basically the ability to earn from your skill. Eg writer, singer. These kinds of people earn money from their works even when not active anymore, the likes of Chinua Achebe, Prof Wole Soyinka, etc.  You will agree with me that real estate, paper investment( share, bonds) and setting up a big business like a company requires huge capital.

Network Marketing is the cheapest of them all in terms of starting up. But it has been confused with Ponzi and pyramid scheme

e which have scammed people of their hard-earned money. A Good Network Marketing company must have CREDIBLE LEADERS, GOOD PRODUCTS, AND GOOD COMPENSATION PLAN.

Not all network marketing companies are bad but you only have to look out for the criteria mentioned above especially the Compensation plan. If you can be able to do that, believe me you definitely love and achieve _Financial Freedom_ through _Network Marketing. click here



Network marketing is the business of the 21century

This business is not as scary as people think it is especially in Nigeria. The prior lack of understanding between network marketing, Ponzi, and pyramid scheme have made people skeptical about joining. Pyramid as its called is a business model were only the once at the top benefits no room for overtaking.
Learn about Longrich Network Marketing
Ponzi is that business model that has no product of value. And is dependent on the new investors to thrive. Once you join a business that requires a new member before you will be paid and without a product of value its not network marketing. Did I hear you say they are the same? NO, THEY ARE NOT.  They only look alike. The difference is once there is a payment there must be an equivalent product received. This ensures you have not totally lost your investment, that is NETWORK MARKETING.. Except you want me to believe that you are at a loss when you use the product or resell it to gain back your money?
So to you, a good network company must be that which you love their product, and can easily recommend it to friends and family. It really doesn`t matter if they accept it, because why everyone has its PREFERENCE!.
As you share you will always come across someone who will definitely love the products, use, and enjoy it as you, and will happily recommend it to people around them too. So don`t feel rejected at the first refusal you get. Like I said earlier, everyone has its choice, and sometimes it`s also some people are hard to convince. click here

By Robert Kiyosaki