21st century Technology


21st century Technology


First Technology is coined from two Greek words “Techne” meaning art,craft, skills and “logos” meaning study.

21st century Technology, Together Technology can be defined as the science that deals with the study, application, practicalization and deployment of scientific knowledge towards designing, product on, simulation and distribution of goods and services to solve man`s problems.

Technology also covers scientific investigation, experimentation, researches and modulation using basic tools and gadgets to solve problems making life easier for man.

In Nigeria science and technology started formally with the establishment of post-secondary school programme as at 1932( YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY LAGOS, NIGERIA), which produced the first graduates in engineering, medicine, agriculture, art and so on.

As at then till now there have been a thorn in the flesh of technology in Nigeria due to certain loop holes not looked at and now causes the slowdown of technology in the country. In reference to technology, Nigeria has been worthwhile feeble over the years (and decades), which has proven to be a techno phobia in the DNA of the nation. Regardless of the fact that we were colonized by the white men (the Britain) who were at the fore front of civilization and commercialization that bore the philosophy of technology and engineering.

This characterized portrait of Nigeria when it comes to technology emanates from certain unforeseen factors. These factors has not been looked into by both the Government and individual stake holders of science and technology development organizations. Due to some denial of truth these factors has been thrown into deep darkness that sets Nigeria back in technology.



1. The Government does not value technology as much as they should

Yes, the government do not value technology in the sense that the two ministries upholding ICT in Nigeria are being left with little portion of the nation`s budget, where it is known that those are the sector that will increase the nation`s GDP adding to the country`s economy through job creation, shaves cost by encouraging the country`s self reliance in producing essential goods and services to better life for people. These sectors are ministry of science and technology, ministry of communication. These are the sectors that needs more portion of the nation`s budget to boost the Nigeria economy and reduce too much dependency on oil and gas as primary income or asset to the country.


2. Nigerians do not understand or trust technology

Trusting technology for most Nigerians is like lighting a wet wood with fire. Due to occurrence of technical failure witnessed around us; in the banks(ATM), hospitals, network communication systems, electricity, buildings etc has most Nigerians detest technology giving them the notion that there are spirits behind technology. But it is really not like that,it is due to Nigerians lacking the resolution to break the dominance of ignorance towards technology. Having the mindset of investing in the knowledge of science and applying it through technology will go a long way.


3. The cost of running a technology company is too high

In contrast to the western countries` cost of the much-needed facilities, tools, equipment, and other essentials like electricity, the internet, accommodation for the starting of a technology company is relatively high causing enthusiasts to opt for other sectors of business.


4. It exposes corruption

Welcoming technology in Nigeria brings a form of transparency that shines a light on the darkness of corruption which most people don`t like, as most businesses are to make a profit through corrupt practices. Imagine adopting high-performance technology in the food and drug sector this will cause a para dine shift of separating bad, illicit, maltreated foods, and drugs from the good, licit, well-treated ones. This will also turn the hands in power and wealth in our society.

Also, imagine bringing high-performance technology to the raw material processing industries and plants in the country, it will lead to high productivity eliminating corruption towards production and its sales which most people gaining through looting will not want and as such continue in the crude way of their activities.


5. Nigerians do not trust things made in Nigeria

70% of the products, machines, and infrastructure used in the country are being imported from other countries into Nigeria.
In recent times we have heard of our president going to other countries for medical issues. We can`t deny the fact that all the homes in Nigeria have China`s plastic products like buckets tables, chairs, bowl, etc.
If the technology sector is invested upon and through its products, goods and services are made from our raw materials and natural resources with high quality( not just for the profits)then we will begin to reap of good things from it getting them at a cheaper rate than those imported yet still having the much-desired quality.

21st century Technology 

Is there Hope for Nigeria Technology?

– There is hope for the Nigeria technology today with the help of both foreign and local investors of technology, the nation still have hope of overcoming the prevailing techno phobia taking over Nigeria and turning it into becoming a technopreneur trait to the country.

– Credits go to the groups; DATA SCIENCE NIGERIA (DSN), MICROSOFT IMAGINE CUP, ENACTUS, HORLTZ CUP ORGANIZERS, IEEE, and so on, who has given young minds the platforms to build themselves in growing technology in our country Nigeria and still be able to extend it to other countries that require it too.

– The universities of technology to are also practically oriented in technology and engage deeply in real-life hacking of technology to solve our physical, environmental and social problems.

– Establishment of TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCE CENTERS, TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP PRACTICE CENTERS, LIBRARIES ETC. where young and vibrant minds for technology can go to around the country to develop themselves and create certain projects and ideas to promote technology in Nigeria.

– Also organizing skill-ups, conferences, workshops, hackathons, empowerment programs (by both governmental and non-governmental organizations), that will keep the technology sector growing for the better by a real-time update of trending technological methods with exemplary applications. click here

21st century Technology

Categories: Lifestyle

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